IMER Group [ultimate-slider category=’imer-group’]
Over 40 years of experience in the construction machinery industry with a wide range of solutions for global customers!
IMER Group is a deep-rooted trademark, a single identity that gathers a plurality of companies established over a 40-year period. Ours is a single trademark, conceived with the intent to create, consolidate, and convey to all the sense of belonging to one single group, the IMER Group!
The basic element of the company image is the traditional logo consisting of three rotating “i”’s, which symbolises the integration of the three companies that are pivotal to the IMER Group. The IMER trademark is registered in more than 70 markets. The strength of our team work and the efficacy of industrial and commercial synergies converge in the new IMER Group common identity, where the distinctive competency of each of our companies grow and create an added value to tackle future challenges of our customers.
The range of construction machinery products is split into four lines: mixing (concrete and mortar mixers), hoisting (gantry and scaffold hoists, ladder hoists, various hoisting accessories, and mini conveyors), cutting (tile, masonry, floor saws, and joint cutters) and compacting (tamping rammers, plate compactors, vibrating rollers, and power floats).
IMER products include:
- Concrete Mixers
- Mortar Mixers
- Hoists
- Saws
- Floor Saws
- Compactors
- Generators
- Mortar Spraying and Pumping Line
- Accessories
- and much more.